Industry News
Doing More With Less In Records
September 2020 Ed Claughton, PresidentPRI Management Group Print Article These are disruptive times and the volume of information coming in is steadily increasing while budget constraints are forcing cost saving measures. Once again, public safety professionals are...
A Word About NIBRS
August 2020 It’s no surprise the FBI will be sunsetting the Summary Reporting System in January 2021. While your state may accept SRS submissions beyond this target date, ultimately the transition will be required. Statistically, in 2018 there were over one million...
Procuring Technology in Government: There’s still room for improvement
Edward Claughton, President PRI Management Group May 29, 2019 Print PDF EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Technology projects in law enforcement agencies often fail or never seem to meet lofty expectations through a combination of poor planning and muddled project management, and...
Why your rape statistics are likely wrong (and begging for media attention)
December 2019 Ed Claughton, President PRI Management Group Print PDF We at PRI sincerely hope, and highly suggest, that your agency pay heed to and take action on what you are about to read. Doing so may very well help it avoid disastrous media attention. The all too...
Records Unit Documentation: Dashboarding
September 2019 John Lynkiewicz, Records Manager Colorado State Patrol Print PDF Often and unfortunately when it comes to resources, law enforcement records units do not fare well in the scramble for staffing or funding. Often because of the nature of what we do as a...
Politics, Records and Facial Recognition in Criminal Justice: How it affects us all
Edward Claughton, CEOPRI Management GroupAugust 2019 Print PDF While in the gym this morning, I overheard a man and a woman discussing last night's presidential debate. One of them said, "I just think she's easier on the eyes; how the person looks, I think, is just...
Records Management Plans Are a Must
Brian Cash Director of Training June 2019 Download PDF Does your agency push a lot of paper? Print things out unnecessarily? Create files for records which are already in a system? PRI teaches a lot about the importance of establishing a records management plan. It...
Tech Projects: planning ahead with the right people in place
Edward Claughton, President PRI Management Group July 2018 print PDF It's 2018 and yet another tech revolution is upon us. The question is will law enforcement make the changes necessary to traverse it correctly. It is astonishing how many police agencies are to this...
Pittsburgh police purchase new systems and never implements them Jeffrey Benzing and J. Dale Shoemaker | March 21, 2018 Pittsburgh Police Chief Scott Schubert confirmed Wednesday for the first time that three police software systems the city paid for have never been implemented. Those systems are the same ones...
Does your prosecutors’ office require the “original”?
Edward Claughton, President PRI Management Group March 2018 Print .PDF Arrest forms. Booking records. Statements. Bonds. Affidavits. It's time our prosecutors' offices get with the times and start accepting electronic records. Across the country our court systems are...