Helping you achieve compliance, accuracy, and cost-effective management of records, data, & systems.
Modernize & streamline.
Budgeting with data.
Faster. Better. Online
Done right.
Schedule. Inventory. Purge.
Modernized | Streamlined | Efficient Operations
Backlogs, Non-Compliance, Inefficiencies
Too many reports pend approval
Paper-driven records operations
Disparate applications/outdated tech
Records backlogs
Records/data don’t get purged
Disorganization, low morale, internal conflict
Outdated process and organizational structure
Duplication of effort, data, and technology
Key performance indicators aren’t tracked
Insufficient quality control
Too many errors in reports
Efficient, compliant, and aligned systems and procedures.
Strategic planning, policy, training
Process re-engineering
New workflows, deduplication, data integrity
A sampling of agencies who have selected PRI for our exceptional services:
Public Records Made Easy. See How.

Requests are on the rise. Logs and spreadsheets. Redaction is difficult.
Lack of internal public records oversight
Turnaround time not tracked
Insufficient technology for processing requests
Staffing shortage
Unfamiliarity with public records laws
Online public records requests and payments, saving time, efficiency, costs.
Web-based public records request system
Built-in smart redaction tool
Integrated payment portal
Free trial and training
Instant access with a simple login; zero maintenance, no hidden fees, nothing to install.
How To Ensure CAD/RMS/JMS Project Success
Systems need replacement. Resources are limited.
The system demands daily support
Frequent system crashes
Updates nearly always contain bugs
Support is untimely
Data is inconsistent
Feature requests go unanswered
Causes of Failed Projects and Systems
Insufficient planning, research, due diligence
Lack of business process re-engineering
Poorly written RFP
Lack of project management
Data duplication
Unresponsive vendor support
Expert guidance. Project services. Successful outcome.
Thorough needs assessments with properly written system specifications
Well-written RFP and defensible procurement process protecting your interests
Selection of a vendor with superior support and a proven product
Skillfully negotiated contract controlling vendor performance and price
Prevention of vendor proposals and demos with roadmaps and vaporware
Project and risk management to keep your project on track
A sampling of agencies which have selected PRI for our exceptional services:

Inventory and Purge Help
Boxes of old records are piling up. Data is costly. Nobody knows what can be purged. The inventory and purge would take months of staff time.
No retention schedules.
Records are printed and filed.
Digital records aren't purged, only the paper.
Source documents are retained after being scanned.
Records are filed by case number instead of using a container method.
The department believes records should be kept forever, increasing liability.
Case dispositions are not updated based on findings of the court or prosecutor.
Not only can we inventory and purge the records in lightning speed, we can re-engineer your record indexing and retention procedures so the backlog never happens again.
New retention schedules, new ways of doing business, and lot’s of work off your plate. Relief is here.

Data convergence and digital evidence architecture begins with fixing retention first.
Data is everywhere and more technology isn’t always the answer. The hype around digital evidence management may be driving you to spend unnecessarily.
Video is burned to DVDs and they can't be searched.
Digital evidence and records are in disparate systems.
Inter-agency workflows are paper-driven.
Cloud storage and vendor maintenance is too costly.
Retention is paper-focused. Data is neglected and never purged.
Let’s first get a handle on retention, eliminating costs for unnecessary records and data.
Then accelerate success through a cost-benefit analysis, enterprise needs assessment, and informed leveraging of the right technology.
Data migration and convergence design, plan, build.
Needs assessments & business process reengineering.
Records/evidence retention scheduling, policy, training.
Media migration, cloud advisory, systems integration.

Our Proven Process
Our standard process, refined from years of experience, ensures everything goes according to plan and frees up your time to focus on the business of the day
Project team is assembled
Work plan is developed
Assess needs
Deliver results
Monitor progress
Document everything

Take A Free Online Agency Evaluation
Want to see how your department compares? Do you follow information management best practice and legal requirements? Take this comprehensive 10-minute assessment and get a free report instantly along with our Police Records and Tech Governance Guide.

Next Steps

Calendar a free 30 minute needs assessment and tell us about your needs.

We’ll develop and provide you a plan of action.

We’ll send a proposal describing how we can help and what it would cost.