Leadership Trilogy Course Bundle

Take your leadership skills to the next level by purchasing our complete Leadership Trilogy program which includes access to all three leadership classes:
Front-Line Leadership
- Middle Management Leadership
- Executive Leadership
Instead of paying $259 per course, you can get access to all three for only $649. This bundle gives you the tools and insights to master leadership across multiple levels and challenges.
Upon purchasing the bundle you will receive a code via email that can be applied to any of the dates of any of the leadership courses.
For each leadership course, determine the date you would like to attend and proceed to register. Apply the code at checkout and the course fee will be removed.
Included materials
Materials will be provided for download during the webinar including:
- Course slides
- Articles of interest
- Course certificate
Optional Materials For Purchase and Download When You Register
Case management course on-demand for your agency $49
Receive an on-demand version of our Case Management course to provide case management training to anyone in your department. This is a self-paced course to learn how to correctly manage case status and disposition in reports, and the procedures needed to correctly update cases. Learn how status and disposition fields in RMS function, when supplements must be written, and who should be authorized to change case status.
Records Employee Performance Improvement Plans on-demand $49
Improving employee performance and resolving “issues” comes down to having quantifiable accountability measures. Learn how to develop and implement an employee performance improvement plan (PIP) in this interactive, self-paced course. The course includes downloadable sample PIP’s and forms for tracking performance. Learn about the “Meeting” and importance of notifying employees of deficient performance, developing performance standards, tracking key performance indicators (KPI), how to initiate a PIP, documenting performance and conversation points, and what to say and how to say it.
Customizable Departmental NIBRS Report Writing Manual $195
Get officers, supervisors, and records personnel on the same page with writing reports according to NIBRS standards. A comprehensive manual which can be customized to your existing policies and procedures. Preview here.
- NIBRS data elements and definitions
- Report writing standards
- Scenarios for officers
- Supervisor responsibilities
- Report review & correction policy
- Situations requiring a report
- By the end of shift policy
- How many reports do I write? (Time and Place Rule, Acting in Concert, Hotel Rule)
- How crimes are counted
- Clearing cases by exception
- Unfounding cases
- Error-tracking and performance metrics
Records Unit and Records Management Policies $9.99
Drafting policy isn’t easy, but ours makes it a whole lot better. Written for today’s modern operations, these 2 policies establish S.O.P. for records management and for records unit operations. Insert your state’s statutory references and agency protocols. Preview them here.
Checks, credit cards, PO’s accepted.
$649 for all three leadership classes.
Course catalog download 2023
Remember to budget for our training courses.
Intro to Law Enforcement Records Mgmt.
Eliminating Risk & Liability in Records
CAD/RMS Procurement & Project Management
Redacting Law Enforcement Records
Criminal Law for Records Personnel
Evidence Records: Retention & Disposition
Report Writing 102: What the Academy Doesn't Teach
Reviewing and Approving Reports: Who Should Do It and How
Crime Stats & NIBRS for the Police Executive
Transitioning to NIBRS: What You Need To Know